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Text Portrait 


For my text portrait project, I chose to do the infamous Narco, Pablo Escobar. I do not idolize Escobar in any way I just find his part in the war on drugs interesting. I chose Pablo because I am very interested in the crime world, and I want to work as a DEA agent someday. I became familiar with his story after watching the Narcos series on Netflix. One thing I learned was the many names Pablo was given by his associates and workers. One that stuck with me was the word "el patrón". "El patrón" translates to English as "the boss", so if you look close enough, you can see "patrón" all across his face, and the word makes up his hair and mustache. I also added the Colombian flag as a colorful background, and as Pablo's nationality. I really enjoyed this project and I hope I can do more like this one. 

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