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Drawing 1

3 Cups Drawing:

The 3 Cups drawing really focused on how to shade an object and how to add value to an object to make it seem real. We also worked on spacing so it didn't look like the cups were just floating, but actually sitting on a surface.

Line Quality Drawing:

The line quality drawing focused exactly on it's name, line quality. Our teacher taught us how to use different thickness of lines and different shades to get that realistic look. 

1 Point Perspective

For this drawing, we wanted to create the perspective of looking down a hallway like image. We wanted to really get a 3D view of the objects in the drawing too.

3 Objects

In the 3 objects drawing, we wanted to really emphasize on height of the bases, and get the feeling of sitting at a table. The objects we chose were just everyday items that are around us all the time. The detail of the objects are very exact, and displays an array of shadows and other details.

Self Portrait Drawing

In my self portrait drawing was very challenging, but I feel like I executed all goals for the drawing. I tried as hard as I could to shade the drawing, giving the sight of real skin. Darker values really helped, and I added lots of detail to shadows on my skin. 

2 Point perspective

The two point perspective drawing was mainly focusing on the values of 6 point light and making sure our vanishing points helped accuratly line up the objects in our drawing. We also had to incorparate a human into our drawing to practice our understanding of human anatomy in drawing.

Final Drawing

Our final drawing could be whatever we wanted to draw. I chose to do a 1 point perspective, which shows the object slowly shrinking into a vanishing point, which is like looking down a hallway. A lot of shading was needed for my drawing, and I chose to use a graphite pencil.

Make-up Drawing

In my make-up drawing, I wanted to give an impression of an old tackle shop, in two point perspective. That why I used some thin lines that were't very straight. I used signs and other types of hints to show what I was trying to interpret.

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